

What’s in store for Property in 2023?

Patrick O’Connell Blog: What’s in store for Property in 2023 ?    At the time of inditing this blog, it is end February 2023 in the midst of South Africa’s summer – 35 months on from when Covid 19 hit the South African and Global shores and wreaked havoc in many...

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To Office or not to Office

Will the Office Sector recover to pre-pandemic levels or is it doomed to be the thorn in the jeweled crown for years to come? Walk with me as I unpack this further.

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Capitalisation Rates and Discount Rates explained

In the world of commercial property valuation, it is rental income streams, annualized property expenses, vacancies, capitalization rates and discount rates which all impact the Value of a property.  These are the essences of commercial property valuation where all of these elements together reflect risk, security and confidence in the asset being valued.

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Competency VS Responsibility

We have recently come across a few scenarios where large tenders have been awarded on what we believe could largely have been based on cost. At the same time, after analyzing what is required in the brief or scope of work, it is somewhat difficult, at times, to...

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Our Promise

At Spectrum Valuations & Asset Solutions, we boast of a whole range of valuation related and asset creating services across our national footprint. Our collective expertise and ability to deliver a world class service is something we believe that sets us apart. We...

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Bank Valuator VS Property Valuer

There appears to be a misconception surrounding property Values in South Africa. There is no such thing as a Bank Evaluator, Valuator or Bank Appraiser. We are property Valuers who are registered with the South African Council for Property Valuers Profession. Property...

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Beware of Over-Capitalization of Farm Land

As a professional Valuer for many years I have frequently encountered unhappy farm owners, because the money they have “invested” in structural improvements are not fully reflected in the market value of our reports.On the other hand one should respect the fact that...

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Are you spending too much?

Over capitalisation is used in property field to indicate when a property’s total capital costs plus land exceeds the market value it can achieve. But what does this really mean, and what are the implications on the different parties involved in property transaction...

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