
Vehicle Fleets


Office Furniture

Moveable Assets


Movable Asset Services Overview Video


Our expertise extends beyond fixed assets to providing independent valuations to establish the full replacement value of a wide range of moveable assets and possessions of value. The Spectrum Valuations and Asset Solutions team has all the relevant information at its disposal to give you an accurate value for your asset, no matter how unusual.

Committed to Service Excellence


  • Independent valuations will establish the full replacement cost of any possession that can physically be moved.
  • We provide highly analytical valuations to establish the true value of your fixed asset register on mobile assets for your business.
  • Supported by highly relevant market data, we provide a comprehensive report which reflects a realistic and reliable view of your company’s worth.
  • Our accurate valuations can be confidently upheld in a court of arbitration.
  • We take exacting care throughout the research, analysis and consulting process to ensure a valid conclusion, no matter what the risk.

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Extensive Moveable Asset Valuation Portfolio


Using various valuation methods including market value, replacement value and depreciated value on almost any moveable assets, including:

  • Office equipment, hardware and furniture
  • Agricultural assets including tractors, implements, livestock and game
  • Plant equipment, irrigation systems and combines

No matter the extent of the task, we take the same professional approach to each valuation.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Spectrum and especially Magdaleen as well as all other staff involved in the Nedbank project. Some [if not all] staff really walked the extra mile to assist us in getting the valuations done on time and as professionally as possible!! The project was completed without me having to fight and “moan” and I can truly state that it was a GREAT experience dealing with Spectrum. Looking forward to many years of the same professional service from a top valuation company. Please convey my thanks to each and every one involved in the project.

Arie Mooiman

Mortgage Capital